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Zsófia Lóránd writes about Drakulić in Eurozine

Zsófia Lóránd, an intellectual historian of feminism in post-WWII state-socialist Eastern Europe, just published in article The stakes of feminism in Eurozine about many years of Slavenka Drakulić’s feminist engagement. Zsófia Lóránd starts chronologically, from The Mortal Sins of Feminism, an essay collection that Slavenka Drakulić published in 1984. It was one of the first books on feminist issues in ex Yugoslavia.

From introducing feminist literature on the pages of a semi-pornographic magazine to challenging the self-image of the socialist state of Yugoslavia: journalist and novelist Slavenka Drakulić has broken ground in many fields in her native tongue even before rising to international renown.

Read the whole article at this link or open PDF.

Published inDeadly sins of feminismDeadly sins of feminism - Extended EditionEssays & Book ReviewsNews