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Writers against Mass Surveillance

The global initiative writers against surveillance is calling on all states and corporations across the globe to respect the rights of people to determine the extent to which their personal data may be collected, stored and processed.

writers against surveillance

Writers against Mass Surveillance Protest was printed on December 10th, on Human Right’s Day, in about 30 countries around the world. The appeal was organized by a small and independent international group of authors (Juli Zeh, Ilija Trojanow, Eva Menasse, Janne Teller, Priya Basil, Isabel Cole, Josef Haslinger) within the last months, based merely on personal contacts and private networks. It reached a total of 563 writers from 83 countries, including five nobel prize laureates (Orhan Pamuk, J.M. Coetzee, Elfriede Jelinek, Günter Grass and Tomas Tranströmer).

The appeal is open to signing by every citizen worldwide. People can add their signatures under the following link:

I hope that many of you will write, talk, walk, work against Mass Surveillance as much as and wherever possible – and encourage everyone to join in the campaign – so that together we can make this move against Mass Surveillance become inescapable for those in power – and so that we can Safeguard our Civil Rights in the Digital Era!

Here can be seen what the central cooperation newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, writes:

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