Earlier this year, Slavenka Drakulić published Café Europa Revisited: How to Survive Post-Communism (Penguin Random House), a collection of essays on changes that happened in Eastern Europe thirty years after the end of communism. It was recommended by The New Yorker and The New York Times, and praised by Marci Shore, Kristen Ghodsee and the Kirkus Review.

Now the book has been published in Croatian (Ponovo u kavani Europa: kako preživjeti postsocijalizam), by the Fraktura publishing house, and translated by Rujana Jeger.
This was the opportunity to re-issue Slavenka’s earlier essay collection on a similar subject: Cafe Europa: Life After Communism (Penguin, 1999), under the title U kavani Europa: život poslije socijalizma.

These two titles provide a a reader with the opportunity for better understanding of both everyday and the political life in Eastern Europe in the last thirty years.