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The Taste of a Man recommended for broken hearts

Not everyone is going to be excited for Valentine’s Day. For those who have recently had their hearts broken, our faculty offer a few wonderful break-up stories, writes Alicita Rodrigues for CU Denwer News. One of the books on the list of recommendations is The Taste of a Man, a novel published by Penguin in 1997. (translated by Christina Pribichevich Zoric).

taste of a man penguin

The author writes

The Taste of a Man by Slavenka Drakulić, in which Tereza, a graduate student from Poland, has an affair with José, a married anthropologist from Brazil—who happens to specialize in cannibalism. Someone literally gets eaten, but it’s the metaphor of all-consuming love that stays in the reader’s memory (almost like an aftertaste).

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