The Spectator has just published an article Aleksandr Dugin’s daughter paid the cost for his beliefs by Robin Ashenden.
Ashenden writes about Aleksandr Dugin’s daughter who paid a high price for her father’s beliefs. A similar thing happened when the daughter of Ratko Mladić, Ana, shot herself in 1994, since she could supposedly not bear her father’s war crimes in Sarajevo, as was described in a non fiction book written by Slavenka Drakulić on war criminals, They Would Never Hurt a Fly (2004).
Ashenden writes:
Croatian writer Slavenka Drakulić, in a chapter on Ana’s death in her book on Balkan war crimes and criminals They Would Never Hurt a Fly, speculated on what happened to Ana during those few days at Mladić’s house. It was, she said, the only time she ever felt compassion for the mass-murdering general. ‘Mladić finally experienced the pain that he had inflicted on thousands of people in Sarajevo, Srebrenica and Gorazde. But could it be the same pain? Can a butcher experience the same feelings as his victims? Yes, because the pain of a parent who has lost his child is a universal one.’ His life sentence, she concluded – the one he couldn’t escape – really began on that day. The chapter is entitled ‘Punished by the Gods’.
Read the whole article here or open PDF below.