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Sterben in Kroatien, theatrical performance in Köln

Slavenka Drakulic’s essays Balkan Express were made into a theatre play named by the German translation of the book, Sterben in Kroatien. Director of the play is Nada Kokotovic, and it is performed by Theater der Keller in Köln. The premiere will be on November 12, and other performances will be held on November 14 and 15, as well as on December 4 and 6. More information about the performance here.

sterbeninkroatien_c_tko                                                                                                       Foto: Theater der Keller, TKO

Other theatre performances adapted from Drakulic’s novels include:

1993, 1995, 1998, 2000 BALKAN EXPRESS. Directed by Jean Delval. Théâtre des Rues, Mons, Belgium.

1994 BALKAN EXPRESS. Directed by Marika Nasiell, dramaturgy Irena Kraus. Stockholm.

1999, 2010 AIVAN KULIN MINUA EI OLISI. Directed by Antti Hietala. Q-Teatteri, Helsinki. (As if I am not there)

2002 OKUS PO MOŠKEM. Directed by Marko Sošić. Slovensko stalno gledališće, Trst. (The taste of a man)

2003 BOŽANSKA GLAD. Directed by Dami Zlatar-Frey. Teatar &TD, Zagreb. (The taste of a man)

2010 MIRJANA. Directed by Mirko Artuso. Teatro Julio Cortazar, Ferrara ; Teatro Cuminetti, Trento,  Italy. (As if I a not there)

2014 KAKO SMO PREŽIVJELE Directed by Dino Mustafić. Zagrebačko kazalište mladih. (How we survived communism and even laughed)


Published inAs If I Am Not ThereBibliographyHow We Survived Communism and Even LaughedNewsThe Balkan ExpressThe Taste of a Man

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