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Recommendations – Cafe Europa and A Guided Tour Through the Museum of Communism

Lately, 2 blogs have enlisted titles by Slavenka Drakulić.

The Calvert Journal- a Guide to the new east has recommended A Guided Tour Through the Museum of Communism: Fables from a Mouse, a Parrot, a Bear, a Cat, a Mole, a Pig, a Dog, & a Raven for summer reading. Other featured authors on the list include Ismael Kadare, Dubravka Ugrešić, Ihor Pavlyuk etc.

guided tour


Travel blog Travel honestly has recommended foreginers te read Drakulić’s Cafe Europa before coming to Croatia. The other authors featured on this list include a Croatian classic author Miroslav Krleža and contemporary writers such as Dubravka Ugrešić and Edo Popović.

cafe europa

Published inA Guided tour through the Museum of CommunismBibliographyCafé Europa: Life After CommunismNews

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