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Niewidzialna kobieta reviewed in the Polish magazine Wysokie obcasy

Paulina Reiter wrote an article about the Polish edition of Invisible Woman and Other Stories Niewidzialna kobieta for the Polish magazine “Wysokie obcasy” (part of the popular Polish daily newspaper “Gazete Wyborcze”).

Here is a quote from the review:

You will read this book with a lump in your throat and tears in your eyes. I think it is not for everyone, but for people over 45 years old, for those who are facing the old age of their parents, who have the experience of caring for the dying, for those who look at their body with increasing fear, who notice with horror that they cannot remember some words. Drakulić entered the space of old age and death and wrote everything down, sparing us no pain. It takes a lot of courage not to be deceived like that. It takes an extraordinary pen to write it down like that. This is strong literature, written by an outstanding writer.

The novel was translated by Siniša Kasumović and published by Biblioteka Słów:

Published inEssays & Book ReviewsInvisible woman and Other Stories