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Leggere Donna about the Accused

Last year a novel Accused was translated into Italian (by Estera Miocic) and published by Keller. The novel continues to get positive reviews in the Italian press. The latest review appeared in the spring edition of an important cultural magazine, Leggere Donna. In the review, Beatrice Parisi concludes: “Accused is a very difficult book , sometimes heartbreaking,  opening door to painful issues we would prefer not to see. But it is written so skillfully and without complacency, in a narative  so thought out  that it upholds a reading. This book proves that it is not neccessary to stop at the easiest and most obvious literary choices; that it it is worthwhile to take adventure across the known  borders and more inviting topics.” Read the whole text on this link.

Published inBibliographyNewsThe Accused

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