An Italian blog “The Omega Outpost” has published a review of the Italian edition of the novel The Accused (L’Accusata). You can read the whole review in…
Writer & Journalist
The Accused is a thrilling and difficult short novel about a mother-daughter relationship dictated by madness and violence.
An Italian blog “The Omega Outpost” has published a review of the Italian edition of the novel The Accused (L’Accusata). You can read the whole review in…
In the MINERVA bookshop in Trieste, Italy, the Italian translation of the novel The Accused will be presented on Wednesday, July 7th. The discussion about L’accusata will include…
Last year a novel Accused was translated into Italian (by Estera Miocic) and published by Keller. The novel continues to get positive reviews in the…
Published in Italy by Keller in 2016, the novel L’accusata (The Accused) got some very positive attention. Read the reviews here (in Italian): HUFINGTON POST MANGIALIBRI
The Italian newspaper Carnage News wrote about “L’accusata”, an Italian edition of the novel “The accused”, about a mother physically and mentally abusing her own…
An Italian edition of the novel Optužena has just come out in Italy. The novel was translated by Estera Miocić and published by Keller. More…
The website Women Memory – Gender Dimension brings to light one of the greater media scandals of the early 1990s, the case of the media ostracism of Jelena Lovrić, Rada…
Drakulić’s novel “Optužena” (The Accused) has just been released in Slovakia. The novel OBŽALOVANÁ, story of a family trauma that leads to the daughter killing…
The author was asked questions about her new novel ‘Optužena’. The interviews are available here (Croatian only):
Slavenka Drakulić wrote a new novel ‘Optužena’. It is just released by Croatian publisher V.B.Z. The novel ‘Optužena’ (The Accused) is an account of an…