A well known Italian writer Melania Mazzucco wrote a review of the novel Mileva Einstein. teoria sui dolore for the Italian daily La Repubblica. The…
Writer & Journalist
Taking a feminist perspective of one of the greatest minds of the 20th century, she looks at Albert Einstein through the prism of his relationship with his first wife, the Serbian physicist, Mileva Marić, who gave up a potentially promising career in science to be his wife and mother to his children.
A well known Italian writer Melania Mazzucco wrote a review of the novel Mileva Einstein. teoria sui dolore for the Italian daily La Repubblica. The…
The novel “Mileva Einstein, teoria sui dolore” will be presented at the Festival del Coraggio, October 13, 11:00, Teatro Pasolini, Cervignano del Friuli. More about…
“Mileva Einstein oder Die Theorie der Einsamkeit” will soon be presented at the Internationales Literturfestival in Berlin. The event will take place in the “Literatures…
An Italian edition of the novel Mileva Einstein, a theory of sadness, was just published by Bottega Errante Edizioni (Udine). The Italian title of the novel is Mileva…
Slavenka Drakulić will participate at Festivaletteratura festival in Mantova (Italy). At the panel La Guerra, La Scrittura, Le Donne (Two Generations, A War, A Country That Is No…
A German blog A Million pages just published a nice review of the recently translated book by Slavenka Drakulic about the life of Mileva Einstein, mathematician and wife…
“The celebrated Croatian writer Slavenka Drakulić has never been afraid to tackle convoluted subjects, break taboos and explore uncomfortable truths. Her latest novel, the third…
Sächsische Zeitung brings a review of the Mileva Einstein oder Die Theorie der Einsamkeit. “The well-known Croatian writer Slavenka Drakulić, as always, has a fine sense…
Mileva Einstein oder Die Theorie der Einsamkeit – The German edition of the novel about Mileva Eisntein – is already accessible in bookstores! Check out the announcement: http://www.aufbau-verlag.de/…
The German edition of the novel about Mileva Einstein is coming April 13! Mileva Einstein oder Die Theorie der Einsamkeit will be published by Aufbau Verlag.…