Original edition:
Mramorna koža
Grafički Zavod Hrvatske, Zagreb, 1989
Creating a scandal when it was first published in the former Yugoslavia, this provocative and immensely readable novel explores one of the last taboos in our western culture – the image of the sexual mother. Marble Skin explores the darkest recesses of the female psyche and exposes the destructive power of sexual desire when forced to compete with the bonds of maternal love.
The imagery in this novel is so tactile, you feel as though you are reading it with your hands instead of your eyes; its textures – marble, silk, flesh. Wood – stroke your fingertips…Drakulić has written an erotic tragedy…with a heart-wrenching power.
Her writing has the spare poetry of Marguerite Duras.
Marble Skin is a novel that quietly comes at you, putting ice into your blood long before you are aware of it. Ms. Drakulić deals unflinchingly, and without jargon, pop psychologizing or editorial comment, with child abuse, incest and rape , making them more horrible for the nearly suffocated voice in which her heroine speaks of them. In dealing with issues of deadly seriousness… she speaks, like her heroine, as powerfully with her silence as with her words.
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Aufbau Taschenbuch, Berlin
Aufbau Verlag, Berlin
Ordfronts, Stockholm
Harper Perennial, New York
Giunti, Firenze
The Women’s Press
W.W. Norton, New York
Hutchinson, London
Grupo libro, Madrid
de Prom, Baarn
Robert Laffont, Paris
Essays & Reviews About Book
Grafički Zavod Hrvatske, Zagreb, 1989
- Gjurgjan, Ljiljana Ina (1992). The three cases of mother-daughter relationship in Croatian literature. Bradford Occasional Papers, 11, p. 59-72.
- Slavenka Drakulić: Mramorna koža. Extract, SVIJET, p. 12-13.
de Prom, Baarn, 1991
- Verschueren, Walter (1992). De wrede begeerte. Review, DE MORGEN, April 29, p. 23
- Van der Pleog, Durk (1992). En lange schreeuw om liefde. Review, May 15
- Schuyt, Roel (1992). Haar schoonheid laat een leegte achter. Review, HANDELSBLAD, March 27
- Rikken, Judith (1992). Moeder met marmeren huid. Review, ARGUS, February 7
- Mes, MarJanuary (1992). Slavenka Draculic en de taal van het vrouwenlichaam. Review, DE STEM, January 10
- Hagdorn, Michiel (1992). Emotioneel niemandsland. Review, DAGBLAD DE LIMBURGER, February 24
Grupo libro, Madrid, 1992
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- (1993). Piel de mármol. Review, EL CORREO, January 8
Hutchinson, London, 1993
- (1994). Top 20 Feminist Books. Review, EVERYWOMAN, June, p. 18
- Mackay, Shena (1994). Barbed bouquets for mother. Review, FINANCIAL TIMES, March 12
- Scott, Mary (1993). Globe trotting. Review, EVERYWOMAN, September, p. 26
- Darling, Allison (1993). Examining the female psyche. Review, HUDDERSFIELD DAILY EXAMINER, August 28
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- Startle, William (1993). Review of reviews. Review, SUNDAY TELEGRAPH, August 1
- Ashworth, Andrea (1993). Realm of the senses. Review, THE TIMES LITERARY SUPPLEMENT, July 30
- Potter, Jennifer (1993). Hearts turned to stone. Review, THE INDEPENDENT, July 25
- Kennedy, A. L. (1993). Fights of passage. Review, THE SCOTSMAN, July 24, p. 6
- Balaam, Lucy (1993). When melodrama takes precedence over drama. Review, YORKSHIRE POST, July 20
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- Messud, Claire (1993). The day-to-day pain of hated stains. Review, THE INDEPENDENT, July 17
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W. W. Norton, 1994
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- (1994). Marble skin. Review, ELLIOTT BAY BOOKNOTES, Summer, p. 7
- Christopher, Nicholas (1994). To know hwe I had to become her. Review, THE NEW YORK TIMES, March 13, p. 10
- Passaro, Vince (1994). A sculptor fixated on her mother's body. Review, NEW YORK NEWSDAY, March 2
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The Women's Press, 1994
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- Huffman, Theo (1994). Sculptor's tale crackles with energy. Review, THE BUDAPEST SUN, May 12-18, Sun Style, p. 11
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- (1994). Mum's sculpture clubbed. Review, NORTH EASTERN EVENING GAZETTE, March 12
- McLeod, Cinders (1994). Visions of motherhood. Article, THE HERALD, March 10
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Ordfronts, Stockholm, 1995
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- Sandberg, Joakim (1995). Slavenka Drakulic: Komprimerad och laddad av energi. Review, NORRA VÄSTERBOTTEN, September 6
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- Bladh, Curt (1995). Drakulisc roman en parodi på sig själv. Review, SUNDSVALLS TIDNING, September 5
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a play, 1998
- (1998) Flicka med mord i sinet. Article, BORGÅBLADET, March 21, p. 14
Aufbau, Berlin, 2000
- Youtube video (2008). 22. Praha Writers Festival Only the future exists. Autorské čtení: Mramorova kuže. https://www.youtube.com/embed/Jwzv5p8kcq0?autoplay=1
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