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Slavenka Drakulić, cited in books
- Lórand, Szófiá (2018). The Feminist Challenge to the Socialist State in Yugoslavia. Basingstoke, Hampshire : Palgrave Macmill
- Miškovska Kajevska, Ana (2017). Feminist activism at war: Belgrade and Zagreb Feminist in the 1990s. New York ; Oxon : Routledg
- Jelača, Dijana; Kolanović, Maša; Lugarić Danijela (ed) (2017). The Cultural Life of Capitalism in Yugoslavia: (Post)Socialism and Its Other. New York : Palgrave Macmillan. (SD mentioned in chapter 15 Adrijana Zaharijević: “The Strange Case of Yugoslav Feminism and Socialism in “the East”, pp. 263-283)
- Detoni Dujmić, Dunja (2017). Mala noćna čitanja: hrvatski roman 2011. do 2015. Zagreb : Alf (mentions the novel Dora i Minotaur)
- Petković, Krešimir (2017). Discourses on violence and punishment: Probing the extremes. Laham ; Boulder ; New York ; London : Lexington book (p. 489 mentions an article in Jutarnji list from 2015 https://www.jutarnji.hr/arhiva/pise-slavenka-drakulic-kukavicko-drzanje-putnika-na-liniji-croatia- busa-rogoznica-zagreb-kakvi-su-to-ljudi/290431/and They would never hurt a fly).
- Steves, Rick (2017). Rick Steves Europe through the back door. (mentions several books and authors from Croatia, among them are The Balkan Express, Cafe Europa, How we survived communism and They would never hurt a fly)
- Vidmar Horvat, Ksenija (2017). Imaginarna majka: rod i nacionalizam u kulturi 20. stoljeća. Zagreb : Sandorf.
- Koleva, Daniela, (2017). Negotiating Normality: Everyday Lives in Socialist Institutions. New York : Routledge. (mentions Collected essays) P. xxviii, 142, 149, 200, 215. First published 2012 by Transaction Publishers.
- Berend, Ivan T. (2016) The History of European Integration: A new perspective. London : New York : Routledg (quotes an article from SÜDDEUTSCHE ZEITUNG, „Heim in den Westen“, June 26th, 2013)
- Krajina, Zlatan and Blanuša, Nebojša, eds. (2016). EU, Europe Unfinished: Mediating Europe and The Balkans in the Time of Crisis. London ; New York : Rowman & Littlefield International. (last part: “Can Western Europe be at Home in the Balkans?“)
- Dimkovska, Lidija (2016). Rezervni život. Zagreb : Naklada Ljevak. ( 406)
- Mayer, Sophie (2016). Political Animals: The New Feminist Cinema. London ; New York : I. B. Tauri (p. 73, 215 mentions S. A Story About the Balkans)
- Heynder Odile (2016). Writers as Public Intellectuals: Literature, Celebrity, Democracy. Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan. Palgrave Studeis in Modern European Literature. (chapter 3 “Eastern European Voices”, about Drakulić and Ugrešić)
- Ryan, Stephen (2016). The Transformation of Violent Intercommunal Conflict. London ; New York : Routledg (p. 167)
- Sablić Tomić, Helena (2015). Dodir teksta. Zagreb : Meandar medi (quotes Frida’s bed)
- Hrgović, Maja (2015). Žena, majka, glupača. Zagreb : Arteist. (about the book Smrtni grijesi feminizma – Croatian only)
- Stoianovich, Traian (2015). Balkan Worlds: The First and Last Europe. London : New York : Routledg (1st edition 1994; mentions How we survived communism and even laughed, p. 350)
- Küplen, Mojca (2015). Beauty, Ugliness and the Free Play of Imagination: An Approach to Kant’s Aesthetics. (Studies in German Idealism) Springer (mentions The taste of a man, 139)
- Hamhamova, Yana, Holgrem, Beth and Lipovetsky, Mark, eds. (2015). Transgressive Women in Modern Russian and East European Cultures: From the Bad to the Blasphemous. Oxon ; New York : Routledg (p. 137-8).
- Lasić, Mile (2015). Prokletstvo kulture selektivnog sjećanja. Sarajevo : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung. (mentions an article about Peter Handke (2005). Ein Text und ein fatales Jubiläum. LITERATUREN, and a book They would never hurt a fly). Full text available at: https://library.fede/pdf- files/bueros/sarajevo/11336.pdf
- Kinder, Anna, e (2014). Peter Handke: Stationen, Orte, Positionen. (Mentions They would never hurt a fly)
- Kirsch, Adam (2014). Rockets and Lightship: Essays on Literature and Ideas. W. Norton & Company. – chapter on Hannah Arendt (p. 137, 138)
- Lovec, Marko, (2014). Lessons learned for the European Union: a reflection on stronger co- operation in the Western Balkans for a better European future: selected proceedings of the events organized by the AcadEU in the period 2013-2014. Ljubljana : Faculty of social sciences. Available at: https://bib.irb.hr/datoteka/744871.lessons-learned-for-the-eu-pdf.pdf (p. 148 mentions Café Europa)
- Sabljić, Jakov (2014). Hrvatske i crnogorske književne teme. Osijek : Podgorica : HCDP “Croatica- Montenegrina” RH : Udruga za promicanje i popularizaciju znanosti „Znaš“ : Institut za crnogorski jezik i književnost. (mentions A Guided Tour Through the Museum of Communism)
- Nettelfield, Lara J. and Wagner, Sarah E. (2014). Srebrenica in the Aftermath of Genocide. New York : Cambridge University Pres (p. 356, 387, quotes They would never hurt a fly)
- Maria-Sabina Draga Alexandru, Nicolaescu, Madalina i Smith, Helen, eds. (2014). Between History and Personal Narrative: East European Women’s Storiesof Migration in the New Millenium (Ninth chapter on the book A novel about the Balkans)
- Komanická, Ivana (2014). 365 days of a European capital of culture (a sociographic reportage). In: CLOSE-UP: Post-transition writings, p. 102- Praha : Artyčok tv. Available at: http://amper.ped.muni.cz/~jonas/knihy/19_soucasne_umeni_v_postsocialisticke_stredni_evrope/Close %20Up_Post-Transition%20Writings_ArtycokTV_2014.pdf (mentions How we survived communism….)
- Previšić, Boris (2014) Literatur topographiert: Der Balkan und die postjugoslawischen Kriegeim Fadenkreuz des Erzählens (Kaleidogramme). Berlin : Kadmos.
- Clark, Janine Natalya (2014). International Trials and Reconciliation: Assessing the Impact of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia. Oxon ; New York : Routledg (p. 235)
- Smith, S. A. (e) (2014). The Oxford Handbook of History of Communism. Oxford : Oxford University Press. (p. 433, 499, 578-9).
- Best, Shaun (2013, 2016). Bauman, Zygmunt: Why Good People Do Bad Things. London ; New York : Routledge, p. 130, 138, 143 (mentions They would never hutr a fly)
- Fehérváry, Krisztina (2013). Politics in color and concrete: socialist materialities and the middle class in Hungary. Bloomington ; Indianapolis : Indiana University Press. (mentions How we survived communism)
- Jestrovic, Silvija (2012). Performance, Space, Utopia: Cities of War, Cities of Exile. New York ; Hampshire : Palgrave Macmill (mentions How we survived communism)
- Bartrop, Paul R. (2012). A Biographical Encyclopedia of Contemporary Genocide: Portraits of Evil and Good. Santa Barbara, California ; Denver, Colorado ; Oxford, England : ABC-CLIO. ( 381, They would never hurt a fly)
- Kabić, Slavija (2012). ‘Namenlos, gescihtslos, austauschbar’: Menschlichkeit und Bestialität im Roman Als gäbe es mich nicht von Slavenka Drakulić. in: Opfer – Beute – Boten der Humanisierung? Zur künstlerischen Rezeption der Überlebensstrategien von Frauen im Bosnienkrieg und im Zweiten Weltkrieg. Bielefeld : Transcript Verlag, p. 87- More: http://www.transcript-verlag.de/978-3- 8376-1672-9/opfer-beute-boten-der-humanisierung/
- Primorac, Strahimir (2012). Linija razdvajanja: hrvatska proza o ratu i njegovim posljedicama 1990- 2010. Zagreb : Naklada Ljevak. (mentions A novel about the Balkans)
- Lowe, Keith (2012). Het woeste continent: Europa in de nasleep van de Tweede Wereldoorlog. Amsterdam : Uitgeverij Balans. (e-book 2014)
- Footitt, Hilary and Kelly, Michael, ed (2012). Languages at War: Policies and Practices of Language Contacts in Conflict (Palgrave Studies in Languages at War). London : Palgrave Macmillian. (p. 43, 53)
- Jürgen Brokoff (2012). »Nichts als Schmerz« oder mediale »Leidenspose«? Visuelle und textuelle Darstellung von Kriegsopfern im Bosnienkrieg (Handke, Suljagić, Drakulić). In: Søren R. Fauth, Kasper Green Krejberg, Jan Süselbeck (eds.) Repräsentationen des Kri Emotionalisierungsstrategien in der Literatur und den audiovisuellen Medien vom 18. bis zum 21. Jahrhundert, pp. 161-180.
- Jansen, Sharon (2011). Reading Women’s World’s from Christine de Pizan to Doris Lessing: A guide to Six Centuries Of Women Writers Imagining Rooms of Their Own. New York : Palgrave MacMillan. (chapter 8 on S. A Novel About the Balkans)
- Detoni Dujmić, Dunja (2011). Lijepi prostori: hrvatske prozaistice od 1949. do 2010. Zagreb : Naklada Ljevak.
- Ashby Wilson, Richard (2011). Writing History in International Criminal Trials. Cambridge University Pres (p. 2)
- Tepšić, Mirjana, ed. (2010). Jadranski arhipelag priča priče. Zagreb : Algoritam : Hrvatski hidrografski institut : Basic Produktio
- Oksanen, Sofi (2010). Grove Press : Black cat : New York. (at the end of the book there are reading recommendations – Café Europa is being recommended)
- Millon, Theodore, Krueger, Robert and Simonsen, Erik, eds. (2010). Contemporary Directions in Psychopathology: Scientific Foundations on the DSM-v and ICD-11 (p. 580, 598)
- Esquith, Stephen (2010). The Political Responsibilities of Everyday Bystanders. University Park, PA : The Pennsylvania State University Press. (p. 23-24 mentions They Would Never Hurt a Fly)
- Duda, Dean (2010). Hrvatski književni bajkomat. Zagreb: Disput.
- Carpenter, Charli, R. (2010). Forgetting Children Born of War: Setting the Human Rights Agenda in Bosnia and Beyond. New York : Columbia University Press. (p. 24, 58, 73)
- Dumanić, Sura (2010). Zašto sam za mir 3. Zagreb : Shur (Mirovne sveske)
- Coward, Martin (2009). Urbicide: The Politics of Urban Destruction. London ; New York : Routledg (p. 17, 18)
- Medve, A. Zoltán (2009). Kontextusok és annotációk : adalákok az újabb horvát próza történti- komparatív vizsgálatához. Budapest : Kijarat Kl
- Bracewell, Wendy and Drace-Francis, Alex, ed (2009). Balkan Departures: Travel Writing from South-Eastern Europe. Oxford : Berghahn Books. (mentions Balkan Express, s. 16)
- Caldwell, Melissa L., ed. (2009). Food and Everyday Life in the Postsocialist World. Indiana University Pres (mentions How we survived communism)
- Kovačević, Nataša. (2008). Narrating Post/Communism: Colonial Discourse and Europe’s Borderline New York : Oxon : Routledge. (mentions Caffe Europa)
- Pogačnik, Jagna, ed. (2008). Tko govori, tko piše: antologija suvremene hrvatske proze. Zagreb : Zagrebačka slavistička škola : Filozofski fakultet.
- Jambrešić Kirin, Renat (2008). Dom i svijet. Zagreb : Centar za ženske studije.
- Jalušić, Vlasta (2007). “Eichmann’s Mentality and Post-totalitarian Predicaments”. In: Richard H. King and Dan Stone (eds.), Hannah Arendt and the Uses of History: Imperialism, Nation, Race and Genocid New York : Berghahn Books, pp. 147-170.
- Livezeanu, Irina and Farris, June Pachuta (eds.) (2007). Women and Gender in Central and Eastern Europe, Russia and Eurasia: A Comprehensive Bibliography. Vol. 1. Southeastern and East Central Europe. Armonk ; New York ; London ; England : E. Sharpe. Žarkov, Dubravka (2007) The body of war: Media, Ethnicity and Gender in the Break-Up of Yugoslavia. Durham ; London : Duke University Press. (quotes various newspaper articles)
- Johnson, Janet Elise and Robinson, Jean C. (2007). Living Gender After Communism. Bloomington : Indiana University Pres (p. vii; 20; 224; 256; about How we survived communism)
- Pančić, Teofil (2007). Famoznih 400 kilometara: eseji i kritike iz bescarinske zone. Zagreb : V.B.Z.
- Pichler, Cathrin, (2007). Slavenka Drakulić, Anna Politkowskaja, Giuliana Sgrena und Rubina Möhring. In: Thema: Warum Krieg? Texte und Protokolle zum Briefwechsel Albert Einstein – Sigmund Freud. Wien : Schlebrügge. (p. 141-149).
- Marin, Noemi (2007). After the Fall: Rhetoric in the Aftermath of Dissent in Post-Communist Times. New York : Peter Lang Publishing. ( 146-7, 178)
- Tosic, Jelena (2007). Transparent Broadcast? The Reception of Milosevic’s Trial in Serbia. In: Marie- Benedicte Dembour and Tobias Kelly, ur Paths to International Justice: Social and Legal Perspective 83- 110. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press. (p. 89)
- Wachtel, Andrew Beruch (2006). Remaining relevant after communism: the role of the writer in Eastern Europe. Chicago : London : The University of Chicago Pres (mentions How we survived communism, p. 151)
- Boxall, Peter, (2006). As if I am not there. In: 1001 Books you must read before you die. Universe Publishing (p. 881).
- Duff, R. A., Farmer, Lindsay and Marshall, Sandra, ed. (2006). The Trial on Trial, Volume 2: Judgment and Calling to Account Oxford : Hart Publishing (mentioned on 193)
- Tanhofer-Miličić, Bojka (2006). Božanska glad Slavenke Drakulić: imaginarno ostvarenje (ne)mogućega. In: Čovjek, prostor, vrijeme: Književnoantropološke studije iz hrvatske književnosti, ed. by Ž. Benčić and D. Fališev Zagreb : Disput, p. 445-459.
- Brems Knudsen, Tonny and Bagge Laustsen, Carsten, (2006). Kosovo Between War and Peace: Nationalism, Peacebuilding and International Trusteeship. Oxon : New York : Routledge. (mentions They would never hurt a fly)
- Mikula, Maja, (2005). Women, Activism and Social Change. London ; New York : Routledge. (p. 82)
- Tatarin, Milovan, ed. (2005). Zavičajnik: zbornik Stanislava Marijanovića: povodom sedamdesetogodišnjice života i četrdesetpetogodišnjice znanstvenog rada. Osijek : Filozofski fakultet. (mentions A novel about the Balkans)
- Sablić Tomić, Helena (2005). Gola u snu: o ženskom književnom identitetu. Zagreb : Znanj
- Primorac, Strahimir (2005). Prozor u prozu. Zagreb : Društvo hrvatskih književnik
- Bačić-Karković, Danijela (2005). Drugo čitanje: književnokritički tekstovi i studije. Rijeka : Izdavački centar.
- Cubilié, Anne (2005). Women Witnessing Terror: Testimony and the Cultural Politics of Human Rights. New York : Fordham University press. (mentions The Balkan Express)
- Frucht, Richard C., ed. (2005). Eastern Europe: an introduction to the people, lands and culture, volume 1. Santa Barbara, Calif. : ABC-CLIO. ( 453)
- Burton, Betsy (2005). The King’s English: Adventures of an Independent Bookseller. Layton : Gibbs Smit (p. 288)
- Münkler, Herfried (2005). The New Wars. Polity Pres (original edition Die Neuen Kriege, 2002, Rowohlt Verlag)
- Vetlesen, Arne Johan (2005). Evil and Human Agency: Understanding Collective Evildoing. New York : Cambridge University Press. ( 203 mentions As If I am Not There)
- Zeigler, Sara and Gunderson, Gregory G. (2005). Moving Beyond G. I. Jane: Women and the U. S. Military. Lanham ; Boulder ; New York ; Toronto ; Oxford : University Press of America (p. 144, 188)
- Lee, Peterson (2004). Rooms and Fields: Dramatic Monologues from the War in Bosnia : Poems. Kent ; London : The Kent State University Pres (p. 63 mentions inspiration by Balkan Express)
- Čegec, Branko and Mikšić, Vanda, ed. (2004). Croatian Literature 2000-2003 Catalogue. Zagreb : Centar za knjig
- Bagić, Krešimir, (2004). Zbornik Zagrebačke slavističke škole 2004. Zagreb : Filozofski fakultet : Zagrebačka slavistička škola : Hrvatski seminar za strane slaviste.
- Zlatar, Andrea (2004). Tijelo: Modus komunikacij In: Tekst, tijelo, trauma: ogledi o suvremenoj ženskoj književnosti. Zagreb : Naklada Ljevak, p. 100-118.
- Quinn, Edward (2004). History in Literature: A Reader’s Guide to 20th Century History and the Literature it Inspired. New York : Facts on Fil (mentions S. A Novel about the Balkans)
- Rogel, Carole (2004). The Breakup of Yugoslavia and its aftermath. Westport, Connecticut ; London : Greenwood Press. ( 181)
- Prosperov Novak, Slobodan (2003). Povijest hrvatske književnosti: od Bašćanske ploče do danas. Zagreb: Golden marketing. ( 580)
- Tétreault, Mary Ann and Teske, Robin , eds. (2003). Feminist Approaches to Social Movements, Community and Power. Volume 2. Partial Truths and the Politics of Community. Columbia : University of South Carolina Press. (p. 35 mentions a text written to Nanette Funk)
- Rich, Maria, Smith, J. Olivia, and Thompson, Clifford (eds.) (2003). World Authors, 1995-2000. New York : H. W. Wil p. 210-212
- Stjemfelt, Frederik (2003). Hadets anatomi: rejser i Bosnien og Serbien. ( 312 mentions Balkan Express)
- Bellamy, Alex (2003). The Formation of Croatian National Identity: A Centuries-old Dream?. Manchester : New York : Manchester University Press. (p. 96)
- Đurđević, Miloš (2003). Podnevni pljusak: kritike, ogledi, osvrti. Zagreb : POP&PO
- Gioseffi, Daniela, ed. (2003). Women on War: An International Anthology of Women’s Writings from Antiquity to the Present. New York : Feminist pres (mentions Kao da me nema, p. 200-203)
- Kressel, Neil (2002). Mass Hate: The Global Rise of Genocide and Terror. New York : Westview Press. (mentions The Balkan Express)
- Wiegman, Robyn () (2002). Women’s Studies on Its Own: A Next Wave Reader in Institutional Change, Durham ; London : Duke University, p. 62-64 (chapter “Feminist Cultural Literacy: Translating Differences, Canibal options” by Sneja Gunew mentions The taste of a man)
- Pogačnik, Jagna (2002). Backstage: književne kritike. Zagreb : POP&PO
- Šicel, Miroslav, (2002). Antologija hrvatskog književnog eseja XX. stoljeća, Sv. 2, Hrvatski književni esej 1950-2000. Zagreb : Disput.
- Wilmer, Franke (2002). The Social Construction of Man¸, the State and War: Identity, Conflict and Violence in the Former Yugoslavia. New York : London : Routledge (mentions Café Europa, The Balkan Express and the article “We are all Albanians”)
- Wikan, Unni (2002). Generous Betrayal: Politics of Culture in the New Europe. The University of Chicago Press.
- Jolly, Margaretta, e (2001). Encyclopedia of Life Writing: Autobiographical and Biographical Forms (p. 977, 988, 993, mentions Balkan Express)
- De Sotto, Hermine G. and Dudwick, Nora, eds. (2000). Fieldwork Dilemmas: Anthropologists in Postsocialist States. Madison : London : The University of Winsconsin Pres (p. 54. 55 mentions How We Survived Communism and Even Laughed)
- DeShazer, Mary K., ed. (2000). The Longman Anthology of Women’s Literature. New York : Longm (p. 562, 1454…)
- Hodžić, Lejla (2000). Slavenka Drakulić: Hologrami strah Art project. Sarajevo : Akademija likovnih umjetnosti.
- Kramerae, Cheris and Spender, Dale (eds.) (2000). Routledge Internationl Encyclopedia of Women: Global Women’s Issues and Knowledge. New York ; London : Routledg (p. 2080)
- Barilar, Vesna, (2000). Aktivistkinje: kako ‘opismeniti teoriju. Zagreb : Centar za ženske studije. (p. 200, 219)
- Pavlović, Tatjana (1999). Women in Croatia: Feminists, Nationalists, and Homosexuals. In: Gender Politics in the Western Balkans: Women and Society in Yugoslav Succesor States. Sabrina P. Ramet, ed. University Park, PA : Pennsivania State, UP, 131-152.
- Sperling, Valerie (1999). Organizing Women in Contemporary Russia: Engendering Transition. Edinburgh ; New York ; Melbourne : Cambridge University Press. ( 68 mentions How We Survived Communism and Even Laughed)
- Kesić-Obrad (1999). Women and Gender Imagery in Bosnia: Amazons, Sluts, Victims, Witches and Wombs. In: Gender Politics in the Western Balkans: Women and Society in Yugoslav Succesor State Sabrina P. Ramet, ur. University Park, PA : Pennsivania State, UP, p. 187-202.
- Jancar-Webster (1999). Women in the Yugoslav National Liberation Movement. In: Gender Politics in the Western Balkans: Women and Society in Yugoslav Succesor State Sabrina P. Ramet, ed. University Park, PA : Pennsivania State, UP, p. 67-87.
- Corrin, Chris (1999). Rethinking Citizenship: Analyses and Activism in Central and Eastern Europe. In: Gender and Identity in Central and Eastern Europe. Ed. Chris Corri London : Frank Cass, p. 64- 82.
- Zlatar, Andrea (1999). „Oblici autobiografskoga pripovijedanja u suvremenoj hrvatskoj književnosti“. In: Autobiografija u Hrvatskoj. Zagreb : Matica hrvatska, 99-122.
- Gorecki Novak, Maria and Trehaub, Aaron (eds.) (1999). The American Bibliography of Slavic and East European Studies for 1994. Armonk ; New York : American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies ( 110 mentions an article “Sofia Postcard: Have a Nice Day” New Republic 210, issue 4140, May 23, 1994, p. 16-19)
- McKenna, Thomas (1998). Muslim Rulers and Rebels: Everyday Politics and Armed Separatism in the Southern Philippines. Berkeley: University of California Press. (bibliography mentions Balkan Express)
- Brown, Stephen; Clarke, Bill; Doherty Anne-Marie, ed. (1998). Romancing the market. London : New York : Routledge, (How we survived communism and Cafe Europa 45, 47, 52)
- Vickers, Miranda and Pettifer, James (1997). Albania: From Anarchy to Balkan Identity London : C. Hurst & C (Café Europa, p. 307)
- Salvo, Anna (1997). La madre: origine della passion. In: Perversioni al femminil Milano : Arnoldo Mondadori, p. 73-106.
- Rocheleau, Dianne and Wangari, Esther, ed (1996). Feminist Political Ecology: Global Issues and Local Experience. Oxon : New York : Routledge (mentions How we survived communism…)
- Mestrovic, Stjepan (1996). Genocide After Emotion: The Post-Emotional Balkan War. Oxon ; New York : Routledge ( 145, 147)
- Chester, Pamela and Forrester, Sibelan, ed (1996). Engendering Slavic Literatures. Bloomington ; Indianapolis : Indiana University Press, p. 236 (chapter “Women-centered narratives in contemporary Serbian and Croatian literatures“ by Jasmina Lukić, p. 223-243)
- Allen, Beverly (1996). Rape Warfare: The Hidden Genocide In Bosnia-Herzegovina and Croatia. Minneapolis ; London : University of Minnesota Press. (mentions Balkan Express, 92-96, 99, 159-160)
- Zlatar, Andrea (1996). Formen autobiographischen Erzählens in der zeitgenössischen kroatischen Literatur (mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Prosa von Irena Vrkljan und Slavenka Drakulić). In: Diskurs der Schwelle : Aspekte der Kroatischen Gegenwartsliteratur (Heidelberger Publikationen zur Slavistik), Horst-Jürgen Gerigk i Wilfried Potthoff, ur. Peter Lang : Europäischer Verlag der Wissenschaft
- Mousavizadeh, Nader, ed. (1996). The Black Book of Bosnia: The Consequences of Appeasement. Basic Book (p. 97)
- Duncan, Nancy, (1996). BodySpace: destabilizing geographies of gender and sexuality. London : New York : Routledge. (p. 100, 254)
- Iveković, Rada (1995). The New Democracy – With Women or Without Them? In: Beyond Yugoslavia: Politics, Economics and Culture in Shattered Communit Ed. Sabrina P. Ramet and Ljubiša S. Adamović. Boulder : Westview, p. 395-411
- Davies, Miranda (1994). Women and Violence. London : Zed Book (p. 176-181)
- Enloe, Cynthia (1993). The Morning After: Sexual Politics at the End of the Cold War. Berkley ; Los Angeles : University of California Pres (p. 265)
- McDonald, Gregory (1993). Son of Fletch. New York : G. P. Putnam’s Son (Drakulić mentioned on p. 234)
- Nemec, Krešimir (1990). Der kroatische Roman der achtziger Jahre. Zagreb : Croatian Writers’ Associati (Most = The Bridge; Croatian literature Series, No. 3)
- Visković, Velimir (1988). Pozicija kritičara: kritičarske opaske o suvremenoj hrvatskoj prozi. Zagreb : Znanje.