Italian blog, La Lettrice Geniale, written by Elena Giorgi, brings a very positive review on the Italian edition of the novel Mileva Einstein, teoria sul dolore (transl. by Estera Miočić). “Slavenka Drakulić…
Writer & Journalist
Italian blog, La Lettrice Geniale, written by Elena Giorgi, brings a very positive review on the Italian edition of the novel Mileva Einstein, teoria sul dolore (transl. by Estera Miočić). “Slavenka Drakulić…
Two years after the first interview that went viral (click for English version), Slavenka Drakulić gave a big interview on nationalism for Spain’s leading online…
As German news agencies are reporting, Richard Swartz and Slavenka Drakulić are awarded with Internationaler Stefan-Heym prize for their journalistic and literary writing. Town of Chemnitz…