In the article The Best Booky by Destination, Lonely Planet recommends reading CAFE EUROPA: LIFE AFTER COMMUNISM, when travelling to Croatia! To quote Lonely Planet Writer…
Writer & Journalist
In the article The Best Booky by Destination, Lonely Planet recommends reading CAFE EUROPA: LIFE AFTER COMMUNISM, when travelling to Croatia! To quote Lonely Planet Writer…
Writing about the exibition “What Remains” at the Imperial War Museum in London, in the article ‘Culturecide’ in war to be subject of London exhibition, The Guardian quotes…
Frankfurter Rundschau writes about the petition to the leaders of Europe, demanding the woman president of the European Commission. Slavenka Drakulic is among many intellectuals who…
In The Guardian, Adrian Chiles writes about zero-waste in socialism: “As the Croatian writer Slavenka Drakulić points out in her masterpiece, How We Survived Communism…
An interesting book The Feminist Challenge to the Socialist State in Yugoslavia by Zsofia Lorand (Palgrave 2018) qoutes many early Yugoslav feminist texts, including an old essay collection…