Aufbau Verlag is soon to publish the novel MILEVA EINSTEIN ODER DIE THEORIE DER EINSAMKEIT. The novel tells the story of Mileva Maric Einstein (1875-1948), the first wife…
Writer & Journalist
Aufbau Verlag is soon to publish the novel MILEVA EINSTEIN ODER DIE THEORIE DER EINSAMKEIT. The novel tells the story of Mileva Maric Einstein (1875-1948), the first wife…
Eurozine has just published an interview with Slavenka Drakulić about nationalism, it is a translation of the interview from El Confidential. You can read the…
An interview with Slavenka Drakulić about the “virus of nationalism” in connection with the Balkans and Spain has just been published by the Spanish newspaper EL…
Slavenka Drakulić will participate at the conference Let’s Give (Wo)Men a Chance organized by the Open Society Fund. The main purpose of this international conference is…